Thursday, April 16, 2009

When Nature Strikes

Some of you know that the tornado that hit in Murfreesboro has struck close to home for us. My mom's very best friend, Judy, & the lady who also coordinated my wedding along with her daughter, Tori (who was a jr bridesmaid in my wedding) and a friend were all victims of last weeks tornado. The picture you will see is what is left of their home - absolutely nothing. You can see from the homes in the background that this home wasn't just small home, it was partial brick, siding, whatever homes are made of but it wasn't small & it was what we would call a very nice home, well built etc. There is absolutely NOTHING left of their home. Judy was at choir practice when she heard the warnings & immediately left to go to be with Tori. Brian (her husband, who played the trumpet at my wedding....I don't mean to keep referencing our wedding but I'm trying to give some of you faces with the names) was at work. Judy got home, got Tori and her friend in a closet & completely hovered over them. They began to hear it get louder and louder & that is when they were sucked into the tornado & thrown out of their house. When Judy landed she knew something was wrong. I'm attaching a link for you to view her interview with the news. She is in ICU with a L2 break, a broken collarbone, broken & fractured ribs but the love of God & in great spirits. Their church family & friends have set up a place for them to stay until a friend who is a contractor finishes a home currently under contstruction, they will allow them to live there until they decide either to rebuild or buy a new home. They've had people rummaging through their belongings finding the important things, pictures & sentimental items. Judy was only on like her 3rd or 4th week at a new job. A fund is being set up through Brian's work as well. We just never know in this world when our time is up. Although Judy has a very long road of recovery ahead of her both she & her daughter are alive. Please pray for this family - for all of the families that have suffered because of nature this week. I read about a 9 week old baby girl and her mother that died - the father in the hospital who still didn't know about his family. Its so tragic.
Here is the link to the interview ( ).......and
this is what is left of their home.

1 comment:

Amanda O'Rear said...

Storms are horrible up that way. We barely missed the tornado that hit Gallatin when we lived there..watched it out the was coming straight for us and took a turn at what seemed to be the last minute. It destroyed several of our friends homes...but luckily they themselves were okay. I will be praying for your friends. It is such a miracle that she survived...God is so good..and there are many lessons to be learned from this.